3 Tips to Prevent Litter in Your Parking Lot

3 Tips to Prevent Litter in Your Parking Lot

Litter isn’t just bad for the environment—it can also create a safety hazard in your parking lot. Taking a few simple steps to prevent litter on your property can improve your customers’ perceptions of your business and better protect your space. Use these three simple tips to prevent litter in your parking lot this year.

  • Provide trash cans. Most people don’t enjoy throwing their trash on the ground. Unfortunately, if there are no trash cans in your parking lot, it can be easier for guests and customers to justify leaving trash in your lot. Provide one or two trash cans near central yet safe areas—the inside of a cart return area and next to a lamp post are two perfect spots.
  • Assign an employee to be on parking lot cleanup duty. If your visitors don’t see any litter in your parking lot, they’re much less likely to litter themselves. Ask one of your employees to take a tour of your parking lot every few hours to clean up any outstanding litter.
  • Take pride in your parking lot. When you take pride in your property’s condition, guests and customers are much less likely to litter. Consider investing in new paving or asphalt sealcoating in Camden County before the winter season to maximize your parking lot’s aesthetic value and discourage littering.

Your parking lot is one of the first things that your customers and clients see when they tour your business for the first time. Has the blistering summer season left your parking lot looking old or disheveled? When your parking lot looks ill-maintained, customers and clients are more likely to assume that you don’t take pride in your space or your work. Asphalt sealcoating gives your lot a fresh new look while also protecting your investment against future damage.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of sealcoating, give our team of asphalt parking lot sealing contractors in Burlington County a call today! 

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